Someone asked the other day How To Get A Website For Free?how to get a website for free laptop

So I thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone interested how to get a website for free.

Why do you want a website?

A lot of people are getting accounts with twitter, facebook and pinterest.

What about if you could have a blog which you could link to all of your accounts, keeping your information in one place, and start to make money – if you choose to.

With the advent of programs like blogger and wordpress the accessibility of creating a website has become greater. It is now very easy to setup a website template and all you have to do is create the content.

There are plugings for the websites to allow people finding your site to add your content to their social networks.

Let’s have a look at three of these free website providers.

how to get a website for free blogger logo

Run by the company known as Google, this blog service has grown over the last few years.

The design of the website is simple, just a few steps and you have a website.

You get to link your google plus account to your site easily. Being hosted with google I would hope so.

You have access to google’s adsense – the monetising part of google.

You are bound by the rules set in force by google, these can change.

Your content can be used by them as advertising, after you sign the terms and conditions.

There is very little support with this free service, if you have a problem you are left looking for a solution yourself.

how to get a website for free wordpress logo

How to get a website for free with is very simple. All you have to do is sign up.

The number of design templates are limited, as is their customization and the number of plugins available.

They will backup your site regularily.

They will keep your site updated with the latest software.

No paid advertising is allowed, along with no monetisation of the site.

If you violate their terms of service your site will be deleted.

get a website for free wa logo


The website will be wordpress based.

You will have not one but two websites available to you.

There is access to the first of five levels of training. With 10 task based modules to show you how to setup your site.

You have the backup of over 100,000 member of a community of like minded people.

There is access to technical support, for any technical problems on the website.

SEO plugin to assist with the search engine finding your site.

You are able to monetise the site however you want.

The training is constantly updated.

There are success stories listed to show you that this program works.

Summary And Verdict On How To Get A Website For Free

Looking at the three above I know where I would go if I was looking again.

Evaluating all of the features I would be looking for a platform which offered me the best deal.

I would be looking for an easy to use platform where the intallation of the website was seamless, if not, know that I had technical support available to help.

I would look for a platform where I could talk to other who are trying the same thing, with a searchable help with real questions.

I would look for a platform which offered training and videos showing how to setup the site properly.

Verdict: How To Get A Website For Free

If you are wondering how to get a website for free with all of the features and support you will need I would go with wealthy affiliates.

You can log in here.

how to get a website for free wa change

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How To Get A Website For Free
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